Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Being that this is my first publication and that I am reading the diary of Ann Frank, I am going to write about rations.During those wretched times, the Franks were having to eat this food from a little plastic bag that was not the greatest of delicacies. They were actually fortunate to have food,( being the amount of homeless people today), and a place to live. Today's society actually makes me want to just hit them because of their selfishness and complaining. You will walk in a restaurant and hear," EEEEEWWWWW i don't want this! This food is not warm enough take it back! This is nasty!" You then can't help but to think about all the hungry people that are starving.

Yours Truly,


Jennifer said...

I brought in MRE's (meals ready to eat) to give you an idea how it would be if you had to rely on someone to provide your food, if you couldn't go to the store when you were out of something. The Franks, Dussell, and Van Daans didn't eat MRE's, but they could only get a certain amount of restricted foods.

Couple of grammar mistakes - The Diary of Anne Frank - capitalize it, and capitalize the pronoun I.

Good blog.

Jennifer said...

Oh, one more thing -
The second word in a closing (truly)shouldn't be capitalized either.

Mrs. C

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