Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Being A Jew

Since we are still reading the diary of Ann Frank, I am Going to write about a project my class has done. Our teacher told us to put on trash bags. So we did and she told all the yellow haired, blue eyed people to line up in the front of the class. She told us that the Germans wanted a perfect race, nothing like Arians. So she squirted them with a water gun and said that we were dead. So then she said that she wanted a perfect race with red hair and green eyes. She selected the student and treated her like royalty. She then asked the student to select the top 4 smartest people and told them to stand at the front of the class. She asked the student if she wanted people smarter than her, she said no and so she " killed them". This kind of process went on and on. She started killing people for no reason. This should be an example for all the teachers that think they do a good job teaching but don't.

Race Boy 8


Jennifer said...

Okay, I gather from your last sentence that you didn't like this project - maybe because you didn't "live" and were treated like royalty?

Some of your information is wrong. The German's idea of a perfect race was an Aryan race-blue-eyed, blonde hair.

And didn't the Nazis kill for no reason?

Personally, I think it was a great idea!

Grammar - Using the word "so" too much. Also, you have some wrong pronoun usage. Do you edit before you publish?