Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Values are very important in life. They reflect on what you cherish. Without values, there would be no meaning in life because without values there would be nothing to fight for, nothing to love. I was asked by my teacher to blog three of them. There are a lot to value and be thankful for.If I had to choose 3 I would choose:

1. Anger

2. Happiness

3. Freedom

Anger is really not a good thing.It is actually, to me, a sin.Anger drives friends and relationships apart and destroys them.There is one characteristic to anger though that is good.Like I said in my last blog, the " Black Hype", is mainly caused by anger. Before football games i get really and and violent. I don't know why but I just want to hurt who we are playing so bad and most people would think that I am a phycopath, but I don't care. It is what i feel and it is what i am going to express.It is a valuable tool on the football field, but also it is a friendship destroyer.
Happiness is another one of my values.Happiness is the best important value.(In my opinion.)Without happiness then, what reason do we have to live.I mean come on if you go all your life and don't have any happiness or fun then what kind of life did you live? Happiness, to me, means that when you do something good or something you like you get a good feeling.Like whenever i am around my friends, playing football or paintball, talking about skating,that stuff makes me happy.If the world was ever rid of happiness, people would go mad and there would be no goals to work towards in life.Happiness should be every ones value in life.
Freedom is the last and greatest of all my values.Freedom is what our forefathers worked for,sweat for,bleed for and died for.That is just one of the reasons to value freedom because our forefathers gave everything to have it.Another reason to value freedom is because without freedom life would not be good.All the time you hear about people having such a hard time in Africa, India, and the Middle East and how hard they have to work just to get by without all the technology and opportunities available to us in America.Freedom is one thing that I thank the Lord everyday for.If everyone had the freedom that we have, the world would probably have a lot more peace in it and less wars.
These are the things that I value the most in life.If everyone had 3 main values to work for and live for there would probably a lot less murders and suicides because if you have something to love and work toward, what reason is there to die?
With values, everyone could live a better life.