Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Friends they are very reliable and fun. They are something that keeps me going and that helps me get through the good and bad times in my life. Friends are people that you want to be around and to hang out with. Sometimes friends are not always humans. They can be a pet like my dog, Buck. He is always there for me and he always looking for me to spend time with him. I know that he loves me. In my opinion, he is the best dog ever because he does what I want him to do and is protective of me and my family. You should not just have one group of friends, you should try to be friends with everyone. If a friend takes advantage of you, tells you lies, or makes you do things you know shouldn't do, then that friend isn't a true friend. A true friend is one that respects you and loves you no matter what. You can't pick friends out of size, shape or looks. You have to judge them by what is on the inside. If you find a person that is fun and funny the he/she will probably be a good friend for you. Never be afraid to go to a person and learn more about them. Who knows, maybe that person could be one of your greatest friends. Don't say you can't find a friend, because they are everywhere.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Bad Kids

When I hear people say," That kid is bad" or immature that just makes me mad. It is not ALL of the kids fault, most of it is the parents. For example a dog. If you chain a dog up and not feed it or you hit it, that dog is going to be either mean or really afraid all the time.But, if you treat it with love, take good care of it, and treat it like a family member, then you will have one of the best dogs yo have ever had. Apply that to kids. If you don't love him/her then they will be a kid that's out doing bad things and trying to get the wrong kind of attention. It's not their fault either. It's yours( if you are a parent). On the other hand, if you treat a kid well, love him/her, supply all his/her needs, and give him/her a good house to live in, then you will have a good grade student, that stays out of trouble, and treats you well in return. If you hate people that are mean to you at Wal-Mart or people that drive angry, then you don't realize that they probably had a rough house life when they were a kid. So what do I do about it? Well if you have kids, then raise them well. Don't be bad, jerk parents. When all the bad people die, your kids will come in, change the way we live, and result in a better world. If you are a parent that treats kids bad, I have a question for you: Why do you do that? If you say well he/she's the worst kid shame on you. Do you know why? He/she is because you didn't raise them right or love them.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

How To Save A Life

2 or 3 weeks ago, the worst shooting happened in American history.It happened at Virginia Tech and the shooter was a South Korean. A lot of media and press has been saying that he is insane.Which I believe is true,but I don't think that's the whole story. Think about it if you were in his position. I was one of the one's when I was young to be picked on and made fun of for various reasons and I still am kind of.Whether it was that my mom and dad didn't make enough money or whether it was that I had glasses, they still picked on me.I am in no way saying that that man was innocent. He did a horrible thing and I will remember it forever just like I do 9/11.I mean if someone would just have tried to understand him and try to talk to him 33 people would not be dead.Now other killers are thinking well that's not fair I want to be the one that made history for killing a lot of people.This is just not happening at universities and colleges, but at schools.Even at elementary schools deranged kids are shooting and killing people.If the world doesn't stop being lazy and not caring, then you and I may see the end of mankind.I don't care what kind of situation your in, we are all going to have to start caring and helping to help these people that are deranged.This is the main way, in this situation, on how to save a life.