Thursday, December 6, 2007


This Blog comes off of a poem my English teacher wrote. The title is Black. It tells of how the color black infects and darkens every color and when the world ends there will be nothing but black. This is a part of my life and me. I wrote a poem today about the black hype.It tells of the color black and the feeling I get with it. It goes like this.


Like a plague, like a sickness, it consumes me.

I am nothing but prey to it's evil eyes, like rabies but compared in power to it It is a monster that takes over you when you call it

Nothing but pain, violence, and despair in your mind

Don't let it go let it consume you

Do you feel it?

Do you feel its strength?

Do you feel its anger?

Do you feel its power?

Like a caged animal, with nothing but Black in its mind?


Like a poison, it takes over consumed with rage

Burning like an eternal fire


Someone's evil is it's fuel to this sickness

Black Hype

Love it or Hate it?

I think that the symbyote in Spider Man 3 relates to what im talking about. It is kind of like " The Black Hype". It takes over you and changes you. I, personally, use this "Black Hype" in football games. It gets me fired up and ready to go. It might seem weird to you, but really I don't care. Something you use or like may seem weird to me. Yes, there is a evil side to black,but theres also a good side. The color black and "The Black Hype" can be used to intimidate an enemy. For instance, the "Blackouts" at UGA and at Flint River Academy's state game,( which we won haha), were very succeswsful and both have ended up in victories.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


They are the best out of all the ages. We are full of life and excitment. Everyone syas that we live for the moment too much. But when your young, you need to live for the moment so when your older you have lots of stories to tell your children and grandchildren. When you live for the future to much, you wont have a live or any stories to tell and then your kids will think you re boring. We tend to get rowdy and disobey rules but thats just the way we are and we hate people trying to tell us about stuff we shouldnt do because we are tired of HEARING IT!!!!! But dont worry give us time. We will eventually grow out of it and become more like adults.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Friends they are very reliable and fun. They are something that keeps me going and that helps me get through the good and bad times in my life. Friends are people that you want to be around and to hang out with. Sometimes friends are not always humans. They can be a pet like my dog, Buck. He is always there for me and he always looking for me to spend time with him. I know that he loves me. In my opinion, he is the best dog ever because he does what I want him to do and is protective of me and my family. You should not just have one group of friends, you should try to be friends with everyone. If a friend takes advantage of you, tells you lies, or makes you do things you know shouldn't do, then that friend isn't a true friend. A true friend is one that respects you and loves you no matter what. You can't pick friends out of size, shape or looks. You have to judge them by what is on the inside. If you find a person that is fun and funny the he/she will probably be a good friend for you. Never be afraid to go to a person and learn more about them. Who knows, maybe that person could be one of your greatest friends. Don't say you can't find a friend, because they are everywhere.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Bad Kids

When I hear people say," That kid is bad" or immature that just makes me mad. It is not ALL of the kids fault, most of it is the parents. For example a dog. If you chain a dog up and not feed it or you hit it, that dog is going to be either mean or really afraid all the time.But, if you treat it with love, take good care of it, and treat it like a family member, then you will have one of the best dogs yo have ever had. Apply that to kids. If you don't love him/her then they will be a kid that's out doing bad things and trying to get the wrong kind of attention. It's not their fault either. It's yours( if you are a parent). On the other hand, if you treat a kid well, love him/her, supply all his/her needs, and give him/her a good house to live in, then you will have a good grade student, that stays out of trouble, and treats you well in return. If you hate people that are mean to you at Wal-Mart or people that drive angry, then you don't realize that they probably had a rough house life when they were a kid. So what do I do about it? Well if you have kids, then raise them well. Don't be bad, jerk parents. When all the bad people die, your kids will come in, change the way we live, and result in a better world. If you are a parent that treats kids bad, I have a question for you: Why do you do that? If you say well he/she's the worst kid shame on you. Do you know why? He/she is because you didn't raise them right or love them.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

How To Save A Life

2 or 3 weeks ago, the worst shooting happened in American history.It happened at Virginia Tech and the shooter was a South Korean. A lot of media and press has been saying that he is insane.Which I believe is true,but I don't think that's the whole story. Think about it if you were in his position. I was one of the one's when I was young to be picked on and made fun of for various reasons and I still am kind of.Whether it was that my mom and dad didn't make enough money or whether it was that I had glasses, they still picked on me.I am in no way saying that that man was innocent. He did a horrible thing and I will remember it forever just like I do 9/11.I mean if someone would just have tried to understand him and try to talk to him 33 people would not be dead.Now other killers are thinking well that's not fair I want to be the one that made history for killing a lot of people.This is just not happening at universities and colleges, but at schools.Even at elementary schools deranged kids are shooting and killing people.If the world doesn't stop being lazy and not caring, then you and I may see the end of mankind.I don't care what kind of situation your in, we are all going to have to start caring and helping to help these people that are deranged.This is the main way, in this situation, on how to save a life.

Monday, April 23, 2007


This is the worst thing in America right now as far as automobiles.People think that this can never happen to them, but all of a sudden it just happens.This tragedy has one terrifying element, the element of surprise.This not only happens in automobiles but in all kinds of things. Things like leaving your project at home, spilling your coffee on your boss, and selling your sister's phone.Those are all accidents and they all have the element of surprise.I don't want to sound like a boring teacher,but this is a major tragedy that's happening all over America and the world.Even though we think it will never happen to us, that everything will be ok, that nothing matters anymore, it happens and there's nothing we can do about it.Some lives may be even taken when an accident happens.Even though most of it's not our fault, making stupid desicions can cause an accident to happen and even take a life.Stuff like drunk driving and not paying attention, is one of the main causes of accidents.Teenagers that are reading this are probably thinking this guy's a loser.Well I may be a loser now, but when you start driving a car and your drunk and you have an accident and die, we'll see how much of a loser i am now for doing the right thing and standing out for what I believe is true.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My Top 5 Favorite Books

Books are awesome!Books take you through a world of wonder and imagination.I have 5 Favorite books in particular.I will now do a countdown for you.

Number 5: Ginger Pye

Ginger Pye is a great story to me because it tells of a boy and his dog that get split up and the boy has to solve a mystery to find him. The author does a great job making the story so real and lifelike.

Number 4:Harry Potter( the series)

I love this book because it displays so many things such as magic, drama, mystery, and love. When an author combines all these things into one series, it makes for a great book and a great seller.

Number 3: The Contender

Since i love sports, this book was awesome.It told a story of a boy who trained to be a professional fighter and had to go through obstacles of family and friends.This story has a motivational motto that says,"Don't give up no matter what gets in your way".

Number 2: Shiloh

This is a awesome story about a boy fighting all the evil people and their ways.In order to get the one thing he wants: a dog. This story displays courage, motivation, and the right to stand up for what you believe in.

Number 1: Where The Red Fern Grows

This book is the best book in the history of mankind.This book puts every element of writing into one great book.This is about a boy who fights for the thing he wants with so much heart and so much pride that he finally gets it.The author does a great job with the storyline and characters.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mrs. C

A lot of kids have ordinary English teachers, but me and my class are far from an ordinary teacher. This is not a bad thing or is it? She has some positive traits about her and some negative traits. She is a very fun teacher. We do a lot of hands-on learning and not a whole lot of teachers do that anymore. It's just the same old boring stuff for them. She is almost all the time happy(except when we bomb a test).These fun projects help us to remember what we learned and comes in handy on tests.But, not everything about this teacher is good. She gives EXTREMELY hard tests and even harder exams.When we are assigned assignments she makes them so very long.When you wake up at 6:15 for 5 days straight every week and have a class in the early morning, you're not in the best of moods.There are some things I would change about her. First off when I can't think I would appreciate it if a gun barrel was not pointing at me. I mean who wants to be soaked with cold water at 8:30? Second I would shorten,(just a bit),the assignments during the day. Lastly, I would like to do more hands-on projects in class.But, She is a good teacher so there's not a lot about to complain.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Careers and Rich Snobs

This is the thing that all people want and they all want a good one. Most people want careers that make you famous and rich. But I want a normal career. I plan to either restore old cars, make cars into race cars, or work with a big name NASCAR team such as Richard Childress Racing. It angers me to think about how professional baseball players make $10,000 every time they step up to plate. While hard working, low wager, Americans are working in factories and grocery stores to supply for the richest people's needs. When little kids are growing up, most of them dream of having a big shot job, having a huge house, and Ferraris. When i was growing up I never really saw a need for big houses and fast cars( except on a racetrack).i mean why do you need all that space if you only have a family of four? Why do you need fancy cars on a highway, when you could just buy a regular car, that's more fuel efficient and dependable, and save all that money you would be spending on fancy cars , to donate to charity, American Heart Association, cancer associations, the U. S. army, and military. You may think more differently than me but if you have any love in your heart for all the homeless and needy and you have so much money you have to rent storage houses to hold it all, you will give your money to people that really need it

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Famous English Middle School Teacher

Some say she's mean as a hornet. Some say she nice as a bunny. This is my famous middle school English teacher. Of all my teachers, She's the hardest but the most fun. She gives EXTREMELY hard tests that make her famous, but assigns very fun projects . Sometimes she makes me want to pull my hair out, but other times I don't want to leave her class. This teacher is my favorite of all.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Being A Jew

Since we are still reading the diary of Ann Frank, I am Going to write about a project my class has done. Our teacher told us to put on trash bags. So we did and she told all the yellow haired, blue eyed people to line up in the front of the class. She told us that the Germans wanted a perfect race, nothing like Arians. So she squirted them with a water gun and said that we were dead. So then she said that she wanted a perfect race with red hair and green eyes. She selected the student and treated her like royalty. She then asked the student to select the top 4 smartest people and told them to stand at the front of the class. She asked the student if she wanted people smarter than her, she said no and so she " killed them". This kind of process went on and on. She started killing people for no reason. This should be an example for all the teachers that think they do a good job teaching but don't.

Race Boy 8

Monday, March 5, 2007


As now we are still reading the Diary of Anne Frank, I will not pass up a chance to write about it. My class watched a movie about the horrid Auschwitz. To me it is unbelievable the number of times in our world's history, the number of times we have considered Jews, blacks,etc. to not be human and like everyone else. Today our teacher made us go into this small bathroom, to experience the confinement of the Jews. The movie today showed guards, taking a water hose and spraying the Jews a quick drink before they were sent off. It also showed how they would just throw the Jews into ovens. they were very tricky. They once told them they would get to take a shower. So they went into this room and waited for their shower. But, instead of cool, refreshing water out of the pipes it was a deadly gas. Auschwitz also had the motto " If you cried, you died." They mean what they meant.

Race Boy 8


As now we are still reading the Diary of Anne Frank, I will not pass up a chance to write about it. My class watched a movie about the horrid Auschwitz. To me it is unbelievable the number of times in our world's history, the number of times we have considered Jews, blacks,etc. to not be human and like everyone else. Today our teacher made us go into this small bathroom, to experience the confinement of the Jews. The movie today showed guards, taking a water hose and spraying the Jews a quick drink before they were sent off. It also showed how they would just throw the Jews into ovens. they were very tricky. They once told them they would get to take a shower. So they went into this room and waited for their shower. But, instead of cool, refreshing water out of the pipes it was a deadly gas. Auschwitz also had the motto " If you cried, you died." They mean what they meant.

Race Boy 8

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Van Danns

Since we are still reading The Diary Of Ann Frank, I will write again about this book. I personally like all the characters in this book except one family, the Van Danns. When the story first started out, the Van Danns were very generous to the Franks because they were letting the Van Danns stay with then and not get slaughtered by the " Green Police" ( Nazi Police that wore green). As time went on though, the Van Danns became impatient, rude, and selfish. They started acting like the place was theirs and all the food was theirs. Forgive me, but their son, Peter, was not this way, but he was sort of shy at first. Mr. and Mrs. Van Dann started criticizing the Franks daughter, Ann, and they also were sneaking up in the middle of the night, sneaking in food , telling the Franks that it was a mouse. These adults resemble so much of what some of today's society is like.

Race boy8

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Being that this is my first publication and that I am reading the diary of Ann Frank, I am going to write about rations.During those wretched times, the Franks were having to eat this food from a little plastic bag that was not the greatest of delicacies. They were actually fortunate to have food,( being the amount of homeless people today), and a place to live. Today's society actually makes me want to just hit them because of their selfishness and complaining. You will walk in a restaurant and hear," EEEEEWWWWW i don't want this! This food is not warm enough take it back! This is nasty!" You then can't help but to think about all the hungry people that are starving.

Yours Truly,